Providing ACCA Exam
Preparation Courses Since 2007

Start your ACCA qualification journey today.

Complete Exam Preparation With Tutor Support

Lecture Videos - Only in Urdu & Hindi Language

All of our courses include detailed video lectures covering every aspect of syllabus.  All of our courses are delivered by our qualified and experienced tutors.

Practice Question Videos

All courses include extensive exam practice questions with detailed explanation.  We use practice kits such as BPP, Kaplan and past exam papers.

Notes, Quizzes, Progress Tests and Mock Exam

Students attempt our system generated online quizzes for every topic.  In addition to topic quizzes students also get progress tests and final mock exam.

WhatsApp Groups and Weekly Live Sessions

Students are added to tutor WhatsApp group to ask queries.  Our WhatsApp groups are very active and helpful in effective exam preparation.  In addition, we arrange weekly live sessions to do additional practice questions and answer to student querries.